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About this blog / 

The purpose of this blog is to begin to explore food waste here in Aotearoa, and what part a ‘circular economy’ (CE) might play in helping to reduce it. This idea came about as an assignment task for a project within my Sustainable Practice postgraduate course at Ara Institute of Canterbury.


I wanted to focus on an issue that affects us all, but that could also be examined under a more localised lens. It interested me because I find the notion of tackling a mammoth global issue daunting, but I can also see real hope in achieving a circular food system. As well as this, I wanted to use tikanga Māori (the Māori way of doing things) to explore the issues from an indigenous perspective. From this trilogy of blog posts I hope to be able to inform kiwis on the need to do something about food waste here in Aotearoa (and globally), and that by going back to the lands indigenous roots and creating circular systems for production and consumption, we will be better off both us as a people and a planet.

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